Hey guys ♥ Sweetheartsnicke here ♥!! Woozworld updates, back to something that was on OLD Woozworld! What's next? Did they do this from all the protesting that's going on in woozworld? And new bubble colors!!!!!!!! I love the color changes for the VIP's, now it's GOLD :3. Mods get RED color bubbles!! Luckies -.-, they get red xD. Maybe they saw those posts, about people saying what woozworld should have, one thing was a different bubble for VIPs, I liked that one wink wink xD. Which one suits you more? Gamer, Party animal, Stylish Fashion, Sports fan, or All Business? I'd say im The Party Animallllll winky face xD. Well, Bye!!! <3 Love ya Gossipers ~Sweetie <3